Japan: Shrinking population

The population in Japan is falling rapidly because the mothers are expected to have no more that one child. Deaths are expected to exceed births by 10,000, and inward migration will not make up the difference.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


  • The population in Japan is decreasing slowly but surely, and it's affecting their Standard of living and the population density is lower than it used to be.

  • The shrinking population in Japan is because of the six million senior citizens. The sixty-seven million people of working age are also making fewer jobs for more people.


  • This issue is occurring in Japan(East of China).

  • There are a lot of people in Japan, their food is delicious, and the physical characteristics are mainly mountains here.


  • The people in Japan are growing older by age.
  • By 2050 the population will have decreased 22.5 million people.
  • Japan's population is aging faster that any other country in the world.


  1. The population is shrinking fast because people are getting old and not able to reproduce so most of the population is old people.
  2. Since the population is shrinking the environment is getting cleaner and more able to produce food.
  3. The economics are still growing because the population is still there but decreasing.
  • The government is still as big as it always was and the government is getting stronger than it used it be.


http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4552010.stm This link is a current event of the population in Japan.

  • The population will go from one of the biggest population to a smaller population.
  • Japanese woman are opting to have less children which is making the birth rate lower.

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